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🎄 Get 20% OFF your booking with code EARLYXMAS —offer ends Dec 15! Book now and enjoy the festive fun at a great price! 🎉

  • Explore , Solve, Escape
Immersive Experience
Variety of Challenges
Corporate Environment
Professional Team
  • Mudit Agarwal
    Mudit Agarwal

    Perfect blend of storytelling and difficulty. We did the God of the Public Restroom room, which was challenging without ever feeling impossible. The staff were lovely, we'll be back for the other rooms!

  • Nobi

    We had a great time at OdysseyPuzzle. The puzzles were challenging, the setup was super
    engaging, and it was definitely a fun intellectual adventure.

  • Amanda

    The escape rooms at OdysseyPuzzle are really creative and interactive, with no scary vibes at all.
    Our whole family had a blast, and solving the puzzles felt incredibly rewarding!

  • 最后7天!抓住机会提前预订圣诞节密室逃脱活动,享20%折扣

    最后7天!抓住机会提前预订圣诞节密室逃脱活动,享20%折扣 圣诞节临近,OdysseyPuzzle 的特别活动即将开启!今年,为您的圣诞假期增添一抹别样的色彩,带上家人、朋友或团队,加入我们精心设计的密室逃脱挑战。仅剩最后7天! 预订不仅可以确保您最理想的时间段,还能享受提前预订的专属折扣。 使用预订码 EARLYXMAS,在12月15日前预订即可享受 20% 的折扣,不要错过这次特别优惠! 提前预订的理由:抢先享受优惠与最佳时间 限时20%折扣优惠 使用优惠码 EARLYXMAS,即刻享受所有主题20%的预订折扣,仅限12月15日之前! 这是全年最划算的时刻,错过再等一年。 锁定最佳时间段 圣诞假期是密室逃脱的高峰期,热门时间段往往一票难求。提前预订可以保证您和家人朋友的最佳游戏体验。 节日特别装饰与沉浸体验 圣诞节期间,我们的密室将特别布置,增添节日氛围。沉浸在欢乐的环境中,与家人和朋友一起解锁充满创意的谜题和机关! OdysseyPuzzle圣诞节亮点主题 家庭式密室探险 如果您正在为全家聚会寻找趣味活动,我们的主题非常适合家庭成员一同参与。无论是父母还是孩子都可以找到属于自己的乐趣。...

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